30 Day Fight for It Challenge
Again, welcome to the 30-Day Fight For It challenge! Whatever you're fighting for or against in your life, these 30 days of learning from God's Word and His people will help you be strong in the ring. Ezra and Nehemiah offer biblical examples of some gold medal winners, but you'll also hear from people just like you who--by God's grace--have fought well and been crowned with victory.
Community is key to effective fighting, so invite your family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and small-group members to join you on this journey. Each one of you will be glad you did!
30 Day Fight for It Challenge Trailer

Day One – Fight for It
Has life knocked you down? Do the giants in the land look unbeatable? Whatever you’re fighting for, we’re glad you’re here. And we’ll be with you for 30 days as you fight from where you are… with what you have… knowing God is with you.

Day Two – Weapons for the Fight
So what weapons do you already have for the fight? You have prayer… and faith that God’s plans for you are good. Consider what unique strengths and skills you have. Perhaps find a partner or some skilled professionals. Finally, have in mind a clear picture of victory.

Day Three – God Loves You—and He Fights for You!
God loves us with a love that welcomes us as His children. As His daughters and sons, we can know not only His unlimited love but also His unlimited support, wisdom, and strength for life’s battles. God wants to fight for you and with you… if you’ll let Him.

Day Four – God Is on Your Side
Whatever problem, assignment from God, or mountain you’re facing—however your world has been rocked—let this truth empower you: God has promised, “I am for you; I am with you; I will never leave you.” Let this truth change how you fight!

Day Five – Getting into the Fight
What is keeping you from entering the fight in your life? Circumstances? Your personality? Fear? Exhaustion? No clear solution or strategy? The fight won’t be easy, but God will be faithful. An apparently impossible situation is the perfect setting for Him to do something amazing!

Day Six – A Burden That Wrecks You
When Nehemiah faced a challenge so big he didn’t know where to begin, he wept and mourned. He also fasted and prayed to hear God’s voice. When a burden wrecks you, turn to God. Fasting from food, technology, and/or social media can help you hear His guiding voice.

Day Seven – God Doesn’t Waste Our Hard Times
In this world, we will have tribulation. During those struggles, we feel God’s power, are fed by Word, and are held on His hands. Still, the fight sometimes demands so much, we crumble afterward… If that’s you, ask God to restore you. Allow Him to minister to you.

Day Eight – Drained by Life’s Demands
Maybe you’ve always thought that God and you are enough to handle life and life’s inevitable battles. God is definitely the best partner, the perfect partner, but don’t neglect self-care. Take care of yourself physically, spiritually, and emotionally. None of us can fight when we’re empty.

Day Nine – Helping Yourself by Helping Others
Are you depressed or anxious? If so, you’re not alone! You’re in the good company of Lincoln, Churchill, Moses, Jonah, Elijah, and the psalmist. More important, know that there is hope. You see, God can help you as you help someone else. Who will you serve today?

Day Ten – I Believe; Help My Unbelief
When fears rise during battle, we need to rise up in faith…. Faith that God is bigger than our biggest problem. Faith that because God is great, we don’t have to be afraid of anything. Faith in the God who hears us pray, “I believe; help my unbelief.”

Day Eleven – If You Don’t Fight for Your Marriage, Who Will?
If you’re married, you know you need to fight for your marriage. God’s design for marriage is oneness, and that unity doesn’t come without a fight against the enemy that’s always ready to pounce. Know that the effort of fighting for your marriage is absolutely worth it.

Day Twelve – Seeking God, Loving Our Spouse
The key weapon in the fight for your marriage is love. Love is costly and sacrificial. Love is the choice to be intentional about affirming, encouraging, honoring, and serving your spouse. Seeking God first can help us choose to love our spouse and to work on our marriage.

Day Thirteen – Going to the Broken Places
When we’re fighting for a healthy, godly change in ourselves or in our life, we need to go to the broken places. We need to feel the pain and grieve the loss. When we bring the situation into the light, we can know healing and freedom.

Day Fourteen – Rebuilding a Marriage in Ruins
Places of brokenness may be your norm if you’ve ignored or buried either pain from the past or unresolved conflict. Take your brokenness to God. Ask Him to provide people who will go to war for you in prayer. What is lying in ruins is worth rebuilding.

Day Fifteen – Fighting for Your Faith
Don’t fight alone. Of course rely on the Holy Spirit for strength and guidance. But also surround yourself with godly and wise people. Don’t keep quiet. Don’t isolate. Don’t fight without help and prayer support from your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Day Sixteen – Persisting in Prayer and Letting God Fight for You
To advance in our battles—to fight for our loved ones, —we must be on our knees. In Scripture, God calls us to pray in every season, on every occasion, about everything. Are you persevering in prayer? Are you doing battle on your knees? Romans 12:12; Ephesians 6:18;...

Day Seventeen – Submitting to God’s Spirit
Fighting to victory means praying always. We are to pray at all times with a heart posture of submission to the Holy Spirit who gives us the power, guidance, and words of God’s truth that we need. Being submitted to the Holy Spirit means being empowered to fight.

Day Eighteen – Please Heap Blessings—and Keep the Enemy Far Away
Ephesians 6:18 tells us to pray always, to pray in the Spirit, and, finally, to “pray with all prayer and supplication.” And supplication means asking God for blessing and protection. Why not ask Him today to heap blessings on you and to keep the enemy far away? ...

Day Nineteen – The Church As Fuel Source
Whatever fight you’re fighting, the best source for fuel is the church. We go to church to worship, fellowship, serve, be challenged, grow, and connect with God and fellow believers. At church we can also receive fuel and give fuel to others for the fights of our lives.
1 Thessalonians 5:11, 14-15

Day Twenty – But What’s the Quality of the Fuel?
When we go to church for fuel, we need to discern the quality of that fuel. We need to ask ourselves, “Is God’s Word preached?”

Day Twenty-One – Choosing the Better Worship Option
God’s Word and worship are weapons in the battle for God’s glory in our life and in the church.

Day Twenty-Two – “Do Not Be Conformed”
God’s enemies tempt us to compromise and conform. If the enemy is seeking to slow you down or thwart your purpose, you’re probably building something worthy of the fight.

Day Twenty-Three – Setting Out on a New Path
Some fights are quick, but others last for years. How can we persevere? First, we remember that we don’t fight alone: God is with us.

Day Twenty-Four – What Does Faithful Stewardship Look Like?
Let’s think about fighting as faithful stewardship. Faithful stewards fight to improve things, are compelled to be involved, and aren’t surprised by opposition.

Day Twenty-Five – Fighting for Our City
What might happen if the people of God joined forces, linked arms, and went all in for the good of their city?

Day Twenty-Six
Generous, committed people who make themselves and their resources available to God can accomplish amazing things.

Day Twenty-Seven – Giving Generously, Experiencing Joy
God is pleased when we invest our time, talent, and treasure in what matters most to Him, when we invest in people, His kingdom, and the spread of the gospel.

Day Twenty-Eight – Unity: The Impact of Churches Working Together
We fight for the city most effectively and use resources more efficiently when we link arms with other churches.

Day Twenty-Nine – Finding True Contentment in Jesus
After losing her husband and being bedridden by injuries for a year, Carolyn chose to “rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, [and] be constant in prayer.”

Day Thirty – Genuine Accomplishments—and Ongoing Tasks
Enjoying a sense of accomplishment yet keenly aware of remaining challenges, may you live in a way that honors God and shows the world you belong to Him.
Wait, there's more!
Additional devotionals are available. Register today and unlock the entire curriculum.